Executive Board Advisory Council

Executive Board and Committees Communication Policy

  1. There will be an Executive Board Advisory Council which will provide updates, advice, and recommendations to the Executive Board and other GSO committees on graduate students’ interests and concerns. The Executive Board Advisory Council:
  • will consist of the GSO Executive Board, and the Chairs of all GSO committees or appointed representative as determined by the committee. The President shall serve as Chair, and the Vice President of Internal Affairs shall serve as Vice Chair. The Council can call additional members of the Senate into attendance if it deems it necessary to accomplish its purpose.
    • The appointed representative from any committee must be an active
      member of the committee it is representing and does not have to be the
      same person for each council meeting.
  • will have regular meetings on Wednesday evenings, two weeks before every Regular GSO Senate meeting, except the first meeting of the fall semester, to ensure robust communication among committees and the Executive Board. Any council member can request additional meetings; however, the President or Vice President of Internal Affairs, alone, can call additional meetings if either deem it necessary. The meetings will be 1 hour at maximum unless it is agreed upon in the meeting to extend the time. Minutes will be taken by the Recording Secretary and distributed to the Senate within one week of the council meeting to allow Senators to read the minutes before the regular Senate meeting.
  • will not have any power to enact policies, resolutions, or initiatives unless
    directed by the GSO Senate