Ad Hoc committees are utilized as needed in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised moving forward. Ad Hoc committees can become active/standing based on need and senate decision (Please see GSO Resolution 22.04 for more information).
Academic Resources and Affairs
The Academic Resources and Affairs Committee deals with issues regarding graduate coursework and course loads, instructional quality, access to research tools and equipment, library issues, the academic relationship between graduate students and their departments and units, and other issues impacting graduate student academic life on campus. This committee will make periodic reports to the Senate on these topics, especially making recommendations on action to be taken by the Senate and Executive Board to improve graduate student academic life at the university. This committee will coordinate with any GSO University Senators serving on University Senate committees related to academic affairs. This committee will send two representatives to the Graduate Council. This committee will annually name one person to coordinate with Career Services.
Families Committee
The Child Care Committee is charged with raising awareness about child care needs for graduate students and works to make sure that the child care needs of graduate student parents are met. The Committee identifies and shares information about child care with the graduate student body. It will work with University administration to secure child care resources and support for graduate student parents. The Committee also conducts at least one information meeting with graduate student parents every year to learn about graduate student parents’ needs and share information with the parents. For more information about the committee, please visit their website
Student Life
The Student Life Committee deals with all student life concerns of graduates, including parking, busing, DPS, student housing, commuter and off-campus affairs, family concerns, and any other student life concerns not falling under the heading of another committee. This committee will make periodic reports to the Senate on these topics, especially making recommendations on action to be taken by the Senate and Executive Board to improve graduate student academic life at the university. This committee will coordinate with any GSO University Senators serving on University Senate committees related to student life. This committee will name two graduate students to the Student Legal Services Board of Directors. This committee will name one representative to coordinate with Parking and Transit Services and serve on needed appeal boards.
Graduate Pandemic Committee
The Graduate Pandemic Committee is charged with consolidating and distributing information on how Syracuse University responds to pandemic conditions. It is especially committed to understanding different departmental responses to pandemic conditions, the policies they adopt in response to such conditions, and how actively they accommodate their graduate student body in ways that are appropriate to their department’s risk of exposure. Additionally, it is an active role of this committee to advocate for the graduate student body regarding limiting their risk of exposure to pandemic conditions, and to provide the tools possible for graduate students to make informed decisions and to advocate for themselves so that they may fulfill their roles as graduate students as safely as possible.
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