For complete instructions, please see the New Graduate-Only Student Organization Packet. Please see the GSO Recognized Student Organization Manual for full details on student organization policies.
Steps for Registration
Write a Constitution
All Organizations must have a constitution listing the organization’s name, goals, and organizational structure. The Packet contains a Constitution Writing Guide (CWG) designed to aid you in constructing a constitution that complies with University Policy.
Elect Officers
Once you have determined what officers you will need and the method of electing them, hold elections and get your officers in place. This should be done before you register your organization so that you can list them on the registration form. Currently registered Syracuse University students must comprise the majority (more than fifty percent) of all organization members.
Secure an Advisor and have him / her Complete the Advisor Contract
University policy requires that all student groups have an SU faculty or staff member to serve as advisor. Off campus advisors and graduate students are not permitted. It is recommended that the advisor and organization share needs, responsibilities, and expectations with one another to ensure a productive, mutually beneficial relationship. Advisors must consent to advising your student organization and complete the Advisor Contract.
Complete the New Grad-Only Organization Registration Form
Please click the title above to access the form. This form must be filled out completely. At the bottom of the form you should upload your Constitution and Advisor Contract. Please submit electronic versions of both if you can (scanned copies of the Advisor Contract are fine). Otherwise, submit your Constitution and Advisor Contract to the GSO mailbox in Lyman 122. Once the materials have been received, the GSO will either approve your organization’s registration, or contact you for further information.