Expense Pre-Approval

This is the first step to planning an event with your budget as an RGSO within the GSO. You must submit this before placing any orders or making any commitments, to ensure your budget can cover this event. Follow the instructions on this page and all forms, and feel free to reach out to the comptroller via email with any concerns.


  • 1. Please click here to access the pre-approval form. Instructions are on the form, please read carefully before submitting. Note: No PayPal or Venmo third-party payment system is allowed.
  • 2. AFTER filling out the pre-approval form, fill out any additional forms for services you are requesting through the GSO (campus catering, Inn Complete, etc.). These forms can be found under the Financial Forms tab above.
  • GSO utilizes Microsoft Forms for all forms and applications. You will be notified through email regarding the approval/disapproval of your event. To ensure your event planning runs smoothly, submit all forms required 2 weeks prior to your event.

The email address you provide on the forms will be the one that receives notifications from us.

Contact our comptroller with any questions or concerns.