
Please use this Senate Resolution Template to draft resolutions to the Senate. If you have a proposal that is too long or complicated to be stated verbally at a meeting, you should draft a resolution. If your proposal would create anything permanent, then it should be a written resolution so we can refer back to it.



25.01: A Resolution Establishing the GSO’s Support of GSEU Bargaining Efforts at SUNY-ESF

25:02: A Resolution to Override Special Programming Funding Caps Set by the GSO Fiscal Policy on behalf of the Mathematics Graduate Organization



24.01: A Resolution Opposing the Disenfranchisement of SU Graduate Students & Calling for Elected Representation and Voting Rights on SU’s Board of Trustees

24.02: A Resolution to Amend and Enforce GSO PAC Grant Policy 

24.03: A Resolution Establishing the GSO’s Recognition and Support of the United Syracuse’s Parking Petition

24.04: A Resolution to Increase the Graduate Student Activity Fee to Correct for Inflation

24.05: A Resolution to Amend the GSO Constitution (Recommendations of the R&A Constitutional Convention)

24.06: A Resolution Regarding Waste at Syracuse University

24.07: A Resolution Establishing the GSO’s Recognition and Support of Syracuse University’s Hourly Food Service Worker Union Campaign

24.08: A Resolution to Amend the Custom of Inviting Speakers to Regular Meetings

24.10: A Resolution Establishing the GSO Catering Policy

24.11 A Resolution to Amend the GSO Constitution (Reclassifying GSO Secretary Positions as Staff)

24.12: A Resolution Redistributing the GSO PAC Grant Program in Response to the Expressed Financial Needs of SU Graduate Students

24.13: A Resolution Reregulating RGSO & Special Programming Budget Practices

24.14: A Resolution to Establish an Affirmation of Office & Code of Ethics

24.15: A Resolution to Establish Remuneration for the Parliamentarian and President Pro Tempore of the GSO Senate

24.16: A Resolution in Solidarity with Syracuse University Protestors, Support for Free Speech, and Condemnation of Antisemitism

24.17: A Resolution Establishing the Annual Budget for the 2025 Fiscal Year


24.09: A Resolution to Override the Executive Board’s Sustainment of the GSO Finance Committee’s Rejection of the Special Programming Request from the Sigma Upsilon Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota International Honor Society for Counselors



23.01: A Resolution to Update the GSO Diversity Committee Name and Charge

23.02: A Resolution to Recognize Veterans Day

23.03: A Resolution to Reclassify the Graduate Pandemic Committee as an Ad-Hoc Committee

23.04 A Resolution to Create the Executive Board Advisory Council Policy and Ensure Executive Continuity

23.05: A Resolution to Amend the GSO Constitution (Establishing the Rules and Administration Special Committee)

23.06: A Resolution Establishing the GSO’s Recognition and Support of Syracuse University’s Graduate Student Employee Unionization Campaign

23.07: A Resolution Appointing a Special Impeachment and Investigation Committee

23.08: A Resolution to Recognize Memorial Day

23.09: A Resolution to Recognize Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

23.10: A Resolution to Recognize Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Nonbinary, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual Pride Month

23.11: A Resolution Limiting the Purchase of Shrimp, Crab, and Lobster

23.12: A Resolution to Revise the GSO Fiscal Policy1

23.13: A Resolution to Prioritize Graduate Student Wellness Further and to Communicate Graduate Students’ Distinct Group Counseling and Fitness Program Requests & Preferences to the Barnes Center

23.14: A Resolution Establishing the Annual Budget for the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year

Online Executive Session Rules of Conduct 



22.01 A Resolution to Create an Interim President Pro Tempore of the Senate

22.02 A Resolution to Amend the GSO Constitution (Creating Article III: The Staff)

22.03 A Resolution to Establish a GSO Climate Action Committee

22.04 A Resolution to Reclassify the GSO Student Life, Academic Resources and Affairs, and Families Standing Committees as Ad-Hoc Committees

22.05 A Resolution to Merge the GSO Outreach and Civic Engagement Committees

22.06 A Resolution to Rename the Travel Grant and Travel Grant Committee

22.07 A Resolution to Amend the GSO Constitution (Increasing the Number of At-Large Senators from Six to Ten)

22.09 A Resolution to Increase Accessibility at GSO Senate Meetings

Referred to Committee

Postponed Indefinitely



21.01 – A Resolution, in Collaboration with the Undergraduate Student Association, to Support the Creation of Student Trustee Positions on the Board of Trustees

21.02 – A Resolution in Support of Representation and Voting Rights for College of Law Graduate Students within the Board of Trustees

21.03 – A Resolution to Establish a Graduate Pandemic Committee

21.04 – A Resolution to Notify Graduate Students of Enrollment Status

21.05 – A Resolution to Allow Opt-Out of University Related Advertising

21.06 – A Resolution to Establish Procedure for Online Senate Meetings

21.07 – A Resolution Restructuring the Annual Budget for the 2020-2021 Academic Year



20.01 – A Resolution to Amend the Constitution of the Graduate Student Organization

20.02 – A Resolution to Amend the Constitution of the Graduate Student Organization

20.03 – A Resolution to Re-allocate OAD Funds to Special Programming

20.04 – A Resolution to Name the GSO Families Committee

20.05 – A Resolution to Allocate Rollover Funds

20.06 – A Resolution to Restore Access to Recreational Services for Dependents of Graduate Students

20.07 – A Resolution to Condemn the Recent Acts of Hate and Protect the First Amendment Rights of Protesters

20.08 – A Resolution to Move Funds to Special Programming

20.09 – A Resolution to Support and Protect Graduate Workers Joining the BIPOC and International Graduate Collective Labor Strike

20.10 – A Resolution Calling for the Formation of a University Senate ad-hoc 2/17 Committee

20.11 – A Resolution to Reschedule the Sesquicentennial Celebration GSO Featured Event

20.12 – A Resolution to Support Job Seeking Graduate Assistants Affected by Covid-19 Crisis



19.01 – A Resolution to Amend the Constitution of the Graduate Student Organization

19.02 – 150th Celebration GSO Featured Event

19.03 – GSO Rollover Allocation for 2018-2019

19.04 – Forming Separate External Advocacy and Student Government Liaison Committees

19.05 – Forming a Task Force on GSO History

19.06 – Inquiry Into a Living Wage

19.07 – Allocating Funds to the Child Care Committee

19.08 – Allocating Funds for DPS Street Signs and Safety Cards

19.09 – Regarding the GSO Policy Platform and Living Wages

19.10 – Creating the Policy Platform of the GSO

19.11 – Employment Issues Spring Survey

19.12 – 150th Celebration Featured Event 2

19.13 – Travel Grant Committee Fund

19.14 – A Resolution to Allocate Funding to the Child Care Committee

19.15 – A Resolution to Allocate Funding to the Turkish Student Association

19.16 – A Resolution Establishing the Annual Budget for the 2019-2020 Academic Year

19.17 – A Resolution to Amend the GSO Constitution



18.01 Senate Resolution – A Resolution to Sign a NAGPS Letter Supporting F-Type Visa Renewal in the USA

18.02 Senate Resolution – Amendments to the Fiscal Policy

18.03 Senate Resolution – A Resolution to Amend the GSO Constitution

18.05 Senate Resolution – A Resolution Allocating Funds from Rollover

18.06 Senate Resolution – Concerning the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

18.07 Senate Resolution – A Resolution Forming a TCJA Task Force

18.08 Senate Resolution –  A Resolution on Chairman Pete Sessions’ Letter to Congress

18.09 Senate Resolution – Resolution on Divestment from For-Profit Prisons

18.10 Senate Resolution – Open Dialogue on Unionization

18.11 Senate Resolution – Strengthening Communication between GSO and SA

18.12 Senate Resolution – Reallocating Special Programming Funds to the Travel Grant Program

18.13 Senate Resolution – In Support of the Graduate Student Association at SUNY-ESF

18.14 Senate Resolution – Transition to a Subsidized Student Health Plan

18.15 Senate Resolution – Reallocation of $2,000 to NAGPS Travel Grant

18.16 Senate Resolution – Reallocation of $100 to Child Care Task Force

18.17 Senate Resolution – Reallocation of $2,000 to Travel Grant


18.04 Senate Resolution – A Resolution to Amend the Name of the Inn Complete



17.01 Senate Resolution – Lowering the Maximum Cap for GSO Travel Grant Awards

17.02 Senate Resolution – Constituting the NAGPS Committee

17.03 Senate Resolution – Amending the GSO Constitution

17.04 Senate Resolution – Diverting GSO Funds to Special Programming

17.05 Senate Resolution – Calling for the Declaration of Syracuse University as a Sanctuary Campus

17.06 Senate Resolution – Increasing the Graduate Student Activity Fee

17.07 Senate Resolution – Supporting Off-Campus Security Camera Installation

17.08 Senate Resolution – Calling for Improvement of Graduate Career Services

17.10 Senate Resolution – 2017-18 Annual Budget


17.09 Senate Resolution – Reinstating Empire Park Passes



16.01 Senate Resolution – Success of Airport Shuttle Program and Recommendations on Future Operations

16.02 Senate Resolution – GSO Funding of Slutzker Center for International Students

16.03 Senate Resolution – Altering the Budget Procedures for Recognized Graduate Student Organizations

16.04 Senate Resolution – A Resolution to Amend the Travel Grant Policy

16.05 Senate Resolution – A Resolution to Require a Student Referendum on Student-Employee Health Insurance

16.06 Senate Resolution – 2016-2017 Annual Budget



15.01 Senate Resolution – Response to the Closure of the Advocacy Center

15.02 Senate Resolution – Committee Restructuring

15.03 Senate Resolution – Alter Usage Restrictions on Endowed Funds

15.04 Senate Resolution – Survey Incentive Expense

15.05 Senate Resolution – NAGPS National Conference Delegation Instructions

15.06 Senate Resolution – Syracuse University Computing and Electronic Policy’s Definition of Harassment

15.08 Senate Resolution – Supporting the Hiring of an ADA Coordinator

15.09 Senate Resolution – Supporting Expanded Mental Health Services

15.10 was withdrawn before consideration.

15.11 Senate Resolution – Proposing Continued Increases in Assistantship Pay

15.12 Senate Resolution – Definition and Proposal of a Plan for an Ombuds Office

15.13 Senate Resolution – Calling for an Investigation of Administrative Actions Towards THE General Body

15.14 Senate Resolution – Placing Senator Information on the Website

15.16 Senate Resolution – Fossil Fuel Divestment

15.17 Senate Resolution – Finalizing Former Research Grant Payments

15.18 Senate Resolution – Exploring Unionization

15.19 Senate Resolution – Healthcare Insurance Committee

15.20 Senate Resolution – 2015-2016 Annual Budget


15.15 Senate Resolution – Altering Student Organization Budget Procedures

Passed, Vetoed by Executive Board, Replaced by 15.12 and 15.13

15.07 Senate Resolution – University Actions Relating to Student Protestors



14.01 Senate Resolution – Amended – A Constitutional Amendment to Alter Senate Representation

14.02 Senate Resolution – Finance Committee Recommendation on Budget Cuts

14.03 Senate Resolution – Uniform Not on Time Fees

14.04 Senate Resolution – Constitutional Amendment to Add Inactive Senator Status

14.05 Senate Resolution – Fee Increase Mandate to Finance Committee

14.06 Senate Resolution – Grant Program Review

14.07 Senate Resolution – Weekend Bus Service

14.08 Senate Resolution – Grant Program Policy Approval

14.09 Senate Resolution – Fiscal Policy Approval

14.10 Senate Resolution – Charge to Executive Board to Examine the Committee Structure

14.11 Senate Resolution – Defining Senator Representation

14.12 Senate Resolution – 2014-2015 Annual Budget



Unlisted resolutions did not pass in the 2012-2013 session.

13.01 – Repeal of Bookkeeper

13.02 – Increase Comptroller and IVP Pay

Law School Parking Letter

13.04 – Extend Outdoor Education Discount Rates to Graduate Students

13.05 – Funding New Stretching Space in Archbold

13.06 – Subsidizing Tennity Learn To Skate Program

13.07 – Research Travel Grant

13.08 – Funding NAGPS Officer Travel

13.09 – Becoming a NAGPS Legacy Member

13.10 – A Constitutional Amendment Adding and Altering Secretary Positions

13.11 – A Constitutional Amendment to Alter Officer Term Limits

13.12 – A Constitutional Amendment to Alter SBA Representation

GSO Budget 2013-2014

13.14 – Opposing Zoning Ordinance in Common Council